2. CSF plugin
CSF is a standard plugin of cloudComPy.
The availability of the plugin can be tested with the cloudComPy.isPluginCSF()
isCSF_available = cc.isPluginCSF()
CSF is a submodule of cloudCompy:
import cloudComPy as cc
# ...
if cc.isPluginCSF():
import cloudComPy.CSF
- cloudComPy.CSF.computeCSF(pc: _cloudComPy.ccPointCloud, csfRigidness: int = 2, maxIteration: int = 500, clothResolution: float = 2.0, classThreshold: float = 0.5, csfPostprocessing: bool = False, computeMesh: bool = False) list[_cloudComPy.ccHObject]
Compute Cloth Simulation Filter (CSF).
See CSF plugin.
- Parameters
pc (ccPointCloud) – the point cloud on which the filter is applied.
csfRigidness (int,optional) – from (1:steep slope, 2:relief 3:flat), default 2
maxIteration (int,optional) – maximum iterations, default 500
clothResolution (double,optional) – default 2.0
classThreshold (double,optional) – default 0.5
csfPostprocessing (bool,optional) – default false
computeMesh (bool,optional) – default false, compute the cloth mesh
- Returns
a list of clouds and mesh (ground, offground, optional cloth mesh)
- Return type
- cloudComPy.CSF.initTrace_CSF() None
Debug trace must be initialized for each Python module.
Done in module init, following the value of environment variable _CCTRACE_ (“ON” if debug traces wanted)